Versatility and technological know-how together with ability and typical Italian artisan creativity, allow the company to produce safe floors for private spaces and public crowded places.
The attention to detail in the creations of Original Parquet floors results in a very high quality of customizations and finishes that the carpentry workshop is able to work with.
In a constantly evolving world, where markets are constantly changing, Original Parquet does not forget the importance of Italian craftsmanship. In addition to the commitment to innovation and the development of new industrial solutions, Original Parquet defends and promotes the typical characteristics of the culture of our land: a style that distinguishes us all over the world.


Besides decorative reasons, the most evident advantages are:
• Poor thermal conductivity: a wooden floor can keep the environmental temperature nearly unchanged and for that reason the parquet floor is “warm in winter and cool in summer”.
• Wear resistance: even today, after centuries, wooden floors are well preserved, as we can see in the most famous museums such as the National Gallery, the Louvre Museum, the Scala Theatre.
• High acoustic isolation: this is a very important aspect because the psychic balance of modern people requires that most noise must be kept outside the space where they live.
• Economical aspects: due to long preservation and durability, wooden floors are, among all kind of floors, the only ones that allow the maximum amortization of the initial costs, over the long term.
• Versatility: the aesthetic and technical characteristics (toughness, elasticity, wear resistance) allow the use of these materials in every environment:
– In houses, bedrooms, living rooms and even bathrooms.
– Sports facilities, velodromes, bowling clubs.
– Kindergartens.
– Covered and uncovered marine floorings.
– Offices, hotels, meeting rooms.
• Hygiene and ordinary maintenance: the treatments of the surfaces with special resins containing polyurethane and epoxy help maximum cleanness and minimum maintenance.