Surfaces & Finishes


corporate VissutoANTIQUE
Effect obtained by processing contemporary elements to reproduce the wisdom and sensitivity of old floors. Every single element is processed to create wooden floors that seem to have travelled through time (woodworm holes and dents) to get to our homes with a touch of past life.

corporate VissutoTOTAL SAWN CUT
The aesthetic characteristic of the total sawn cut is achieved through the craftsmanship of brushing and serration of each plank, highlighting in this way the surface irregularities.


corporate Taglio SegaPARTIAL SAWN CUT
The aesthetic characteristic of the partial sawn cut is achieved through a surface of approx. 50% of the total supply and mixed with other material only brushed varnished \ oiled.


corporate PiallatoHANDSCRAPED
The hand-scraping is among the oldest decoration techniques, already used in the past because it is one of the few techniques possible even in absence of machine tools; even today is carried out with the same spirit and in accordance with the tradition in which the main characteristic of the surface irregularities is the fundamental element.

It’s a mechanical processing performed on the superficial part of the hardwood top layer, made in order to obtain a timber cleaning and to enhance the presence of shallow “scratch” veining. This is the technique most commonly used to preserve over time the surface quality of the floor. On request you can have a deep brushing that gives a more natural look to the product with the exaltation of the wood grain.



corporate Oliato UVVARNISHING UV OIL
This treatment allows to obtain finishes of similar appearance to those obtained with natural oils with in-line coating, compared to which it has better chemical and mechanical characteristics and resistance to stains. The treatment requires no maintenance other than normal cleaning with neutral soap and nurturing with specific Original Parquet products.


corporate Oliato NaturaleNATURAL OXIDATIVE OILING
Finish that ensures a good protection of the surface while maintaining the natural appearance of wood. It gives naturalness to the entire floor and with the necessary products, it is easier to
repair. It requires a subsequent oiling after the installation; maintenance must be carried out with specific products.


corporate Verniciato UV satinatocorporate Verniciato UV semilucidoUV VARNISHING
This is a treatment carried out by applying a transparent lacquer, fixed with UV lamps and applicable in line with a coat-roller, especially formulated for engineering parquet finish. Its main features are fullness, hardness, high resistance to scratching and abrasion. Depending on the number of GLOSS you can get the look:
The treatment requires no maintenance other than normal cleaning with neutral soap and nurturing with specific Original Parquet products.