This collection was created to enhance the typically Italian craftsmanship of wooden floors, where the customization of the product on request of the individual customer allows us to obtain different aesthetic effects that cannot be reproduced on an industrial level. Once the color tone has been identified, it is possible to choose between three different surface aspects:
– brushed varnished (without sawn cut)
– irregular partial saw cut
– total saw cut (Vissuto)




Note: Both FSC ® C106780 and PEFC (PEFC/18-31-932) certifications can’t be attributed to the same product.
*Information sur le niveau d’émission de substances volatiles dans l’air intérieur, présentant un risque de toxicité par inhalation, sur une échelle de classe allant de A+ (très faibles émissions) à C (fortes émissions)


Technical Specifications

NB. All the codes above mentioned (excluded “Vissuti”) identifying finishes with “partial and irregular saw-grooving”; available on demand, with the same commercial terms, finishes only “brushed and varnished” without “partial and irregular saw-grooving”, to be specified during the order.